How to Overcome Performance Anxiety in Sports 

Performance anxiety in sports can be a major barrier for athletes at all levels. It's that unsettling mix of nerves, doubt, and the physical symptoms that come with them, which can hamper an athlete's ability to perform when it counts. This feeling of not being able to perform can be a downward spiral which may lower self-esteem over time, making you feel incapable of participating in any activity and these feelings may eventually turn into depression. 

For athletes in the GTA, seeking performance anxiety therapy and treatment in Toronto can be an efficient way to pinpoint the root issue and stop the cycle. Alternatively, having a general understanding of what performance anxiety is, recognizing its signs and symptoms, and learning how to overcome it are great starting steps to getting the best of your athletic performance. 

What is Performance Anxiety in Sports? Signs & Symptoms 

Performance anxiety in sports manifests as an overwhelming fear of failing or underperforming during a competitive event. A more familiar word for it might be “stage fright,” which is a specific type of performance anxiety, where you fear the audience and their judgement based on how you perform. Sports performance anxiety can affect athletes across all sports. An example would be a basketball player hesitating to grab the ball due to a feeling of being incapable of responsibility or their own performance letting their team down. 

Common performance anxiety symptoms and psychological signs include excessive worrying about performance, doing everything you can to avoid going to the sport events, fear of being in the spotlight, physical symptoms like sweating, chills, a racing heart, and a "frog in the throat" feeling. These symptoms can significantly impact an athlete's confidence and focus, leading to a decline in performance. 

How Common is Performance Anxiety in Athletes? 

Performance anxiety is a normal part of sports and performance. The most successful athletes, like Wayne Gretzky, Michael Jordan, Serena Williams, and Michael Phelps, have faced moments of anxiety throughout their careers. Even those who you would never think about being afraid of being in challenging situations such as elite athletes in martial arts and combat sports like Muhammed Ali, Mike Tyson, and Bruce Lee, struggled with insecurities before a fight. 

How they managed their feelings of anxiety and still carried on with a sense of control and successful performances is what made the difference in their careers. Many professional athletes have found their own way to manage their performance anxiety. For example, Mike Tyson cried before a fight due to performance anxiety, but used the fear of failing as fuel to keep him going. Understanding that you're not alone in experiencing performance anxiety is the first step toward overcoming it. 

How to Overcome Anxiety in Sports: Understanding the Performance Anxiety Cycle 

The cycle of performance anxiety involves negative thinking, lack of confidence, and focusing too much on outcomes rather than the process. It's a self-perpetuating loop that begins with negative anticipation or catastrophizing about an upcoming performance, leading to physical symptoms of anxiety such as increased heart rate and sweating. 

These symptoms can impair an athlete's performance by reducing confidence and focus. After the performance, negative self-evaluation reinforces the initial fears, doubts, and low self-esteem feelings, increasing anxiety about future performances. This cycle can be detrimental to an athlete's ability to perform at their best, as each stage feeds into the next, creating a pattern of anxiety and underperformance that can be challenging to break without intervention. 

Mental Coaching & Athlete Counselling: Performance Psychology Therapy & Treatment Plan 

One way of stopping the cycle of performance anxiety is through performance psychology therapy or mental performance consulting, which could help athletes manage performance anxiety by equipping them with strategies to break the cycle of negative thoughts, physical symptoms, and impaired performance. Techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy can challenge and reframe negative thought patterns, while mindfulness and relaxation techniques reduce physical symptoms of anxiety. 

Goal setting and focus training enhance performance, motivation, and concentration. These include planning realistic goals, positive self-talk, and focusing on the process over the outcome can help shift an athlete's mindset from one of doubt to one of confidence and self-control. Working with a sports psychologist, mental performance consultant, or other mental health professionals is a way to figure out the root of the issue when overcoming performance anxiety. 

With performance psychology therapy or mental performance consulting sessions, individuals will acquire strategies to shift their focus, manage their anxiety, and stop negative self-talk, as well as learn deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or active relaxation strategies reduce stress, and cognitive-behavioral techniques. These strategies help stop the cycle of performance anxiety by addressing both the physical symptoms and the mental barriers that contribute to it. 

Book a Performance Anxiety Counselling Session in Toronto, Canada 

For athletes in Toronto looking to overcome performance anxiety, booking a session at a clinic specializing in mental game coaching and psychotherapy, like The Mental Game Clinic in the GTA, can improve your sports performance, along with your quality of life. These services offer one-on-one mental performance coaching tailored to each athlete's needs, providing clients with tools and strategies to manage their anxiety and perform at their best. 

Overcoming performance anxiety in sports is about understanding its psychological underpinnings, recognizing the symptoms, and applying effective strategies to manage it. With the right support and mental training, athletes can transform their anxiety into a source of strength and achieve their full competitive potential.



At The Mental Game Clinic, Toronto, Canada, we help clients overcome performance anxiety in sports through psychotherapy sessions or mental performance coaching. Our team of psychologists, psychotherapists, and mental performance consultants are trained in helping children, teens, adults, and specifically athletes, along with a variety of modal therapy techniques such as EMDR and DBT. Our approach is straightforward: we assess your specific needs and develop a progressive mental skills program that includes goal-setting, mindfulness strategies, and sport and performance psychology treatment to help you on your path to being where you want to be. 

Book a free 15-minute consultation appointment today, and we'll help you overcome challenges and doubts, allowing you to move forward in life. 


How to Help a Child with Sports Anxiety 
